Our mission at Trades & Labor Federal Credit Union is to provide financial products, services, and education enabling members to achieve personal and financial goals to benefit their quality of life.

Online Banking


Security Disclosure

Your online security is very important to us. We take several precautions to ensure your information is secure.

To access our secure area, you must enter your Logon ID and Security Code. As a security precaution, we store your Security Code in our database in an encrypted format that even we cannot decode.

In addition, Enhanced Authentication provides extra protection for your online data and helps guard against phishing scams and identity theft by recognizing your computer and usage patterns. If a questionable logon attempt is detected, the system will require additional identity verification before allowing access.

The system also displays a secret Security Phrase that you choose. This phrase is displayed each time you log on to reassure you that you are logging on to your actual Online banking site. If you do not see your Security Phrase, you should not enter your Security Code.

Other online security measures include:

While we continue to evaluate and implement the latest improvements in Internet security technology, users of the system also have responsibility for the security of their information and should always follow the recommendations listed below:

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